
Friday, January 28, 2011

Our Uganda Friday: 28th January 2011

by Darlyne Komukama

The purpose of the 'Our Uganda' posts every Friday is to show Uganda in a positive light, to show that despite what the media portrays there is a lot of joy in living here and that people mostly go on with their lives here as anyone anywhere else. We enjoy art, theatre, music and film.

The events of the past week, however, can not be ignored. The murder of David Kato, a prominent Gay rights activist, on Wednesday in his home is a sad and terrible thing that shows a state of affairs that has come to a head in this country, my country, which I felt was populated with even-headed people who live and let live. There are unsavoury characters who are encouraging this hate for anything different in Ugandans that grieves my heart.

David Kato.© 2009 AP Images

David, you lived a brave life and paved the way for liberties and freedoms that you won't be able to enjoy yourself but that will surely, one day, be accorded to every Ugandan whatever their sexual orientation.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Our Uganda Friday: Voices of Uganda

by Hanna Schwing

The National Theater is hosting a photo exhibit by Andy Kristian Agaba, titled "Voices of Uganda". People from different areas of Uganda were asked to write signs in their local languages expressing their desires for a free and fair election and what they want in elected officials. They were then photographed in their everyday setting holding signs displaying such messages as, "We need leaders who will ensure equal distribution of resources irrespective of sex, tribe or religion."

"I adjure the youths/students to stay away from bad groups that might influence them into violence during the elections period."

Any Kampalans who want to get into the democratic spirit before the elections on 18th February should make time this weekend to stop by the National Theater between 11am and 7pm to view the exhibit. See more photos here.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Awava's 2011 Wholesale Catalog is Complete!

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